Tuesday, February 23, 2010

new studio!!

So the move is over, finally. I hate moving, but it is nice to set up a new studio. Its so clean! I'm sure I'll keep it clean forever! At least a week!

The new space is a little smaller, but its brighter and has light walls, so that should help my forays into painting.

Setting up the "wall of dead things" is always a priority (which is Ashley's favorite thing in whole house, she's always like "hey, hang up more animal parts!!").

Still making progress on SK#2 and, I got a ton of photos for my zombie contest, so I'll be sure to show the final page along with all the reference photos that were sent to me (special thanks to my brother and to Cat, for roping her friends into helping me out).

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1 comment:

Fanboy Wife said...

I am now thankful that I don't have a Wall of Dead Things.