Friday, July 24, 2009


Among the many wonderful things that happened at Stumptown this year, was meeting Liz Rusch. Liz is a local children's book author who approached me with the idea of collaborating on a pitch to a publisher. Now that the summer is settling down a bit I've been drawing away on the project and am having a lot of fun with it. I won't say anything about the story, since its Liz's baby, so I'm not sure how much sense you will be able to make of it.

Anyhoo, here is a pencil rough of page 4. This is what I draw in my sketch book before blowing it up 125% and rendering it in charcoal.

The final charcoal version is done, so once I scan it into my computer I'll post it up so you can see some process.

1 comment:

K L said...

hee hee. typical humor in your work. I'm excited for you!